Intensive Classes
Intensive Classes
Begin your weekend with an intensive workshop that will energize and prep you for what is sure to be a memorable and fun few days. Each class offers an opportunity to spend a three-hour block of time with a respected master teacher exploring a topic in depth. Class size is limited, and a separate registration is required.
Intensive Class Cost & Registration Information
• Intensive Classes are from 10 am – 1 pm on Friday, May 23
• Separate registration and fee required
• Class size is limited – reserve your spot early!
• Registration fee: $65, includes lunch immediately following (OR $125 for an Intensive Class only WITHOUT a Folk College registration)
Choice of Intensive Classes
Basics for Beginners — Midnight on the Water
In this special workshop designed for beginners and advanced beginners of all instruments, we’ll address basic folk music skills that will help you get the most out of the weekend. We’ll particularly look at how to break apart tunes when learning by ear to not get overwhelmed, how to be a cool person who people want to jam with, how to figure out the chords in a tune when playing backup, how to vary your melody to keep it interesting, and how to stay relaxed when doing this stuff for hours.
(For all instruments)
Bass for All — Noah Harrington
This class is not only for bass, but for any instrument that can play bass lines, especially bass, cello, guitar, and accordion. We’ll look at bass runs and rhythms used in a variety of folk genres, and we’ll especially explore the important role of the bass as the backbone of the band.
(For all instruments that can play a bassline)
Clawhammer Banjo — G Rockwell
You’ll learn a variety of right and left-hand techniques, from simple to advanced, using a selection of great tunes. The class is for banjoists who already know at least basic clawhammer technique.
Folk Cello — Karl Henry
We’ll look at cello in a folk music context, addressing ensemble approaches, specific techniques on the instrument, and the amazing versatility of cello to play melody, rhythm, chords, bass lines and more. For intermediate to advanced players.
Harmonica — Richard Sleigh
For those beyond the beginner level, we’ll look at techniques to take your playing to the next level, including tongue blocking, pucker style playing, note bending, octaves, chord effects, breath control, volume projection, and tone control.
Latin American Music — Maurizio Fiore Salas
Maurizio is a specialist in the music of South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Take an intensive lookin into the rhythms, melodies, and songs from these diverse regions. This workshop is for all instruments, intermediate to advanced level.
(For all instruments)
Mandolin — Henry Koretzky & Steve Buckalew
The mandolin is a wonderful little instrument that can do so much with melody, rhythm, and backup. We’ll look at some common problems and pitfalls and learn approaches to make your playing shine. For all levels beyond beginner.
Old Time Fiddle — Carson McHaney
This class is a safe space to air your fiddle grievances, problematic tunes, and general questions about all things bowed. Feel free to come with something in mind, or stick around to learn something unexpected. For intermediate to advanced fiddlers and violists.
Piedmont Style Guitar -- Valerie Turner
Explore a syncopated style of guitar fingerpicking from the Piedmont region while learning easy arrangements of Country Blues standards. This workshop is for intermediate and advanced guitar players, and participants should be able to change smoothly between first position chords while keeping time.
Roots Percussion — Benedict Turner
This workshop will cover a wide variety of roots percussion instruments and techniques: washboard, bones, hambone, and shakers, as well as tips for keeping your percussion playing rhythmic and interesting. Bring any of your own percussion instruments, and there will also be plenty available for you to use during the workshop.
Songwriting — Jamie Anderson
Learn the ins and outs of how to write songs. We will explore lyric and melody writing as well as ideas that will help the creative process, looking at a wide variety of skills, tools, and strategies that will enhance your songwriting.